Many years back, Star Trek (the original) told us that ‘space is the final frontier’. Today living in the 21st century, we exist in a world devoid of any frontiers. Most of us are but a digital identity in a Digital world. Just say Digital revolution. Almost everything around us is either digital or getting to it at a fast pace. This is the age of having virtual conversations, virtual meetings, virtual shopping, and virtual relationships – a virtual life indeed.

Being a virtual being, can the education sector be far behind? Online education has become the latest trend and has broken the age-old bastion of the brick and mortar institutions. The online platform is available 24×7, so the students can participate whenever convenient, since they are not tied down to a fixed schedule. Moreover the online education is easily accessible across the various devices that we are all so familiar with and to top it all, they are eco-friendly too. We get to possibly save a lot of trees from being cut by changing our habits from books made of paper to subscribe to the digital realm.
CBSE too has revamped its method of education, by going online. It also helps further our Prime Minister’s dream of Digital India. CBSE is now providing e-books instead of the hard copies. The NCERT books give a strong foundation to every concept and ensure a smooth and easy understanding. The books play a major role during competitive exams like IIT JEE, Medical, CSIR NET and act as a backbone for the civil service applicants.
Many portals are now providing the CBSE NCERT Solution. Experts for each subject, provide accurate answers for students through these online NCERT solved questions. They help the students to get a complete grasp of the underlying concepts of each chapter in the NCERT books. The answers are provided in a lucid way and in an easy-to-follow manner. These can be extremely helpful tool in the hands of students who wish to do well at each stage of their studies.
The digitalization of education keeps the students in-sync with the contemporary world. Student can get the feeling of being in a virtual class anywhere anytime, without being burdened by the sheer weight of books. Online learning also provides many additional benefits beyond convenience and financial savings. An independent approach to online learning teaches the student to be a more effective time manager and to develop the technological skills needed in their future careers. Knowledge of the functions of the Internet, typing and software programs are necessary to be considered digitally literate, and online learning helps strengthen these skills.Online education also makes learning more engaging and effective.