What are secondary sexual characters?

The special characters which distinguish a male from a female are called secondary sexual characters. Characters such as beards, moustaches in boys and development of breasts in females etc. are called secondary sexual characters.


Why some young boys and girls get acnes and pimples on their face?

The acne and pimples are due to the increased activity of the sebaceous or oil glands during puberty. During adolescence the sweat glands and oil glands become more active. The sebacious glands secrete more oil resulting in the growth of acne and pimples.



What changes occur in the voice of boys and girls during puberty?

The voice box or the larynx begins to grow during puberty. The growth is more in the boys and the larynx can be seen as the protruding part of th throat. The protruding part is known as the Adam's apple. The voice of the boys becomes deep. In boys the voice becomes hoarse temporarily because of the out of control growth of muscles of the voice box. The voice box is growth is less in girls and they have a high pitched voice.



How are general growth and sexual maturation different from each other?

General growth refers to different types of developmental process in the body such as increase in height, weight gain, changes in shape and size of body.

Sexual maturation refers to specific changes seen at puberty like development of breast in female, menstruation, growth of moustache and beard in boys, deepening of the voices in the boys, growth and maturity of sex organs etc.


How do humans attain sexual maturity during puberty?

The sex organs becomes fully developed during puberty. In boys the testes and penis become completely developed and start secreting sex hormone testosterone. The testes starts producing sperms. Similarly in females ovaries get enlarged and secrete estrogen and produce matured eggs. Thus they attain sexual maturity.

