How does water effect the production of thyroxine in frogs?

The production of thyroxine requires the presence of iodine in water. If iodine is not preent insufficient amount in water. thyroxine is not secreted in the frogs. Since thyroxine is required for metamorphosis, inadequate amount of thyroxine hampers metamorphosis. Thus, the tadpole cannot trasform into adult frogs require thyroxin for the process of metamorphosis. 


What causes the changes in human body during puberty?

The changes which occur during puberty are caused due to hormones secreted by the glands. 



How do sex hormones work in human body?

Sex hormones are responsible for the dvelopment of secondary sexual characters. The male sex hormone testosterone is secreted by testes and it causes growth of moustaches and beard. The female hormone estrogen causes the development of breasts and mammary glands.



How does pituitary gland initiate the puberty in humans?

Pituitary gland is called the master gland. It controls the secretion of the sex hormones. The pituitary also secretes other hormones which help in the maturation of ova in the ovaries and formation of sperm in the testes.The pituitary stimulates the testes and ovaries to produce sex hormones i.e. testosterone and estrogen. The sex hormones initiates the changes that occur in puberty in humans. 



What is menstruation?

Monthly bleeding in women is called menstruation, If the egg is not fertilized, the released egg and the thick linin of uterus is shed off along with the blood vessels. It is discharged from the body as blood.

