zigya tab

Explain the functions of Liver ?

Functions of Liver :

1. Secretion of bile : The hepatic cells secrete bile.

2. Glycogenesis : The cells of liver store glycogen. Excess amount of glucose is converted into glycogen. The process is called glycogenesis. It occurs with the help of hormone called insulin.

When there is need of glucose, then glycogen is coverted into glucose. This process is called glycogenolysis. It occurs in the presence of glucagon.

Explain the functions of Liver ? 

3. Deamination : Liver converts excess of amino acids into ammonia. This process is called deamination.

4. Detoxification : Liver converts toxic NH3 into urea which is less harmful.

5. Storage of salts of Fe and Cu : Liver stores salts of Fe and Cu.

6. Manufacture of R.B.C. : Liver manfactures R.B.C. only in embryo.

7. Manufacture of fibrinogens : Liver manfactures fibrinogens which help in blood clotting.

8. Manufacture of Heparin : The liver manufactures haparin which checks clotting in body.

9. Generation of energy : Liver generates energy.

10. Phagocytosis : The Kupffer’s cells engulf foreign bacteria and protect body from diseases.

11. Relief to heart : Liver eliminates excess of material like glucose and amino acids from food and thus provides relief to heart, otherwise heart has to circulate them also.


Explain the term thecodent and diphyodent?

Thecodont dentition : It is the dentition in which teeth are embedded in jaw bones. For example in humns

Diphyodont dentition : It is the dentition in which there are two sets of tooth during the life of the organism i.e. milk teeth and permanent teeth. For exmaples - majority of mammals like humans. 


What would happen, if HCl were not secreted in stomach.

If HCl would not be secreted then there will be following effects :

1.  Pepsinogen will not be activated and no digestion of proteins will take place in the stomach.

2. Germs may flourish in stomach in the absence of HCl.

3. Milk will not be coagulated, because prorennin is converted into rennin by the action of HCl.


Give the dental formula of human beings. 

Human dental formula - The arrangement of teeth in each half of the upper and lower jaw is in the order I, C, PM, M. The dental formula is represented by


How are polysaccharides and disaccharides digested?

Polysaccharides are hydrolysed by pancreatic amylase into disaccharides. 

Disaccharides are then digested by the enzymes in succus entericus into various monosachharides.

