The x and y coordinates of a particle moving in a plane are given be x(t) = acos(pt) and y(t) = bsin(pt) where a, b (<a) and p are positive constants of appropriate dimensions and t is time. Then , which of the following is not true?

  • The path of the particle is an ellipse

  • Velocity and acceleration of the particle are perpendicular to each other at t = π/2p

  • Acceleration of the particle is always directed towards a fixed point

  • Distance travelled by the particle in the time interval between t = 0 and t = π/2p is a


Distance travelled by the particle in the time interval between t = 0 and t = π/2p is a

x = a cos (pt), y =b sin (pt)

 x2a2 + y2b2 = 1, i.e. equation of ellipseNow, r = xi^ + yj^  = a cos (pt) i^  + b sin (pt)j^v = drdt = -pasin (pt) i^ + pb cos (pt) j^a = dvdt = - p2a cos (pt) i^ - p2 b sin (pt)j^at t = π2pv = - pa  i^   and a = - p2b j^ v  a 

also, a = - p2r, i.e directed towards a fixed point.

The moment of the force, at (2, 0, 3) about the point (2,-2,2), is given by


Moment of force,

The vectors bold A with bold rightwards arrow on top space and space bold B with bold rightwards arrow on top are such that a:
open vertical bar straight A with rightwards arrow on top plus straight B with rightwards arrow on top close vertical bar space equals space open vertical bar straight A with rightwards arrow on top space minus space straight B with rightwards arrow on top close vertical bar
The  angle between the two vectors is

  • 90 degree
  • 60 degree
  • 75 degree
  • 75 degree


90 degree

As we have given
where  is the angle between 
Squaring both sides, we have

Hence, angle between 


A body is projected vertically upwards. The times corresponding to height h while ascending and while descending are t1 and t2, respectively.

  • gt1t22

  • g(t1 +t2)2

  • gt1t2

  • gt1t2(t1+t2)


g(t1 +t2)2

Let v be the initial velocity of vertical projection and t be time taken by the body to reach a height h from the ground.

Here u = u,

a = -g,

s = h,

t = t


ut + 12 (-g)t2 or gt2 - 2ut + 2h = 0 t = 2u± 4u2 - 4g x 2h2g = u± u2 -2ghgIt means t has two values, i.e.,t1 = u + u2 -2ghgt2 = u- u2-2ghgt1 +t2 = 2ug or u = g (t1 +t2)2


Preeti reached the metro station and found that the escalator was not working. She walked up the stationary escalator in time t1. On other days, if she remains stationary on the moving escalator, then the escalator takes her up in time t2. The time taken by her to walk up on the moving escalator will be

  • fraction numerator straight t subscript 1 space plus straight t subscript 2 over denominator 2 end fraction
  • fraction numerator straight t subscript 1 space straight t subscript 2 over denominator t subscript 2 minus t subscript 1 end fraction
  • fraction numerator straight t subscript 1 space straight t subscript 2 over denominator t subscript 2 plus t subscript 1 end fraction
  • fraction numerator straight t subscript 1 space straight t subscript 2 over denominator t subscript 2 plus t subscript 1 end fraction


fraction numerator straight t subscript 1 space straight t subscript 2 over denominator t subscript 2 plus t subscript 1 end fraction
