Which among the following is not a prokaryote?

  • Saccharomyces

  • Mycobacterium

  • Oscillatoria

  • Nostoc



  1. Saccharomyces i.e. yeast is a eukaryote (unicellular fungi)
  2. Mycobacterium – a bacterium
  3. Oscillatoria and Nostoc are cyanobacteria

Parthenogenesis is a term of

  • Budding

  • Asexual reproduction

  • Sexual reproduction

  • Regeneration


Sexual reproduction

Parthenogenesis is a form of sexual reproduction n which the ovum develops into a new individual without fertilisation.


How many different kinds of gametes will be produced by a plant having the genotype AABbCC?

  • Three

  • Four

  • Nine

  • Nine



The types of gametes produced by a plant depend upon the number of hetrozygous pair.
Number of types of gametes  = Zn
   n = number of heterozygous pair
                 21 = 2
The gametes are  - ABC and AbC.



Which form of reproduction is correctly matched?

  • Euglena transverse binary fission

  • Paramecium longitudinal binary fission

  • Amoeba multiple fission

  • Plasmodium binary fission


Amoeba multiple fission

Reproduction is an essential feature of all living organisms. It is the process by which an individual multiplies in number by producing more individuals of its own type. 

Amoeba proteus does not reproduce sexually. The reproduction is essentially asexually and takes place by various methods such as binary fission, multiple fission and sporulation. Binary fission is the most common mode of reproduction. It results in the division of the parent Amoeba into two daughter amoebea. Amoeba reproduces by multiple fission during adverse environmental conditions.

Euglena  has longitudinal binary fission. Paramecium has transverse binary fission and Plasmodium  has multiple fission.

Select the correct statement regarding reproduction

  • Mating in dogs is synchronised with lunar cycle.

  • Salamanders always have internal fertilisation.

  • In Trygon, the male introduces sperms into female through a modified pelvic fin.

  • Catla has internal fertilisation


In Trygon, the male introduces sperms into female through a modified pelvic fin.

Mating in dogs is not synchronised with lunar cycle. Six of the nine families of Salamanders have internal fertilisation. Catla has external fertilisation.
