zigya tab

Write main differences between the properties of white phosphorus and red phosphorus. 


White Phosphorus

Red phosphorus

1. Colour

White but turns

Dark red


yellow on exposure


2. State

Waxy solid

Brittle powder

3. Density

1.84 g cm-3

2.1 gcm3

4. Ignition

307 K

543 K



5. Stability

Less stable at ordi-

More stable at ordi –


nary temperature.

nary temperature

6. Chemical

Very reactive

Less reactive



The HNH angle value is higher than HPH, HAsH and HSbH angles. Why?

The difference in the bond angles is based on the electronegativity and the size of the central atom. For example, nitrogen is the smallest in size with maximum elctronegativity (3.0). The electron density is very hgh around nitrogen which also means strong repulsions in the electron pairs around it resulting in maximum bond angle (107°). As we move down the group, the atomic sizes increase and the electronegativities decrease. As a result, there is a gradual decrease in the electron density on the central atom resulting in decreased bond angles in the same order. Thus, the HNH angle value is higher than HPH, HAs H and HSbH angles.


Explain why NH3 is basic while BiH3 only feebly basic.   

Nitrogen atom has the smallest size and a very high electron density aroun the nitrogen. Therefore, its electron releasing tendency or the basic strength is the maximum. Down the group, there is a gradual increase in atomic size and decrease in the electron density on the central atom. Consequently, the electron releasing tendency or basic strengths of the hydrides decrease in the order as given below

NH3 > PH3 > AsH3 > Sb H3 > BiH3

Therefore, NH3 is basic while BiH3 is only feebly basic.


Nitrogn exists as diatomic molecule but phosphorus as P4, Why?

Nitrogen complete its octet via pππ-pπ bond formation and N2 is a discrete molecule. In N2, the intermolecular attraction are weak Vander Waal's forces and hence N2 is a gas. On other hand phosphorus is large size dueto this phosphorus has less tendency to form pππ-pπ bonds. So in order to gain stability, it polymerizes and exist as P4 solid. 

Give the resonating structures of NO2 and N2O5.

