


JEE Class 12

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Let a,b,c and d be non-zero numbers. If the point of intersection of the lines 4ax +2ay +c= 0 and 5bx +2by +d = 0 lies in the fourth quadrant and is equidistant from the two axes, then

  • 2bc-3ad =0 

  • 2bc+3ad =0

  • 2ad-3bc =0

  • 2ad-3bc =0


2ad-3bc =0

Let coordinate of the intersection point in the fourth quadrant be (α, -α) lies on both lines 4ax +2ay +c =0 and 5bx +2by +d =0

therefore space 4 aα space minus 2 aα space plus straight c space equals 0 space rightwards double arrow straight alpha space equals space fraction numerator negative straight c over denominator 2 straight a end fraction space.... space left parenthesis straight i right parenthesis
5 bα space minus 2 bα space plus straight d space equals 0 space rightwards double arrow space straight alpha space equals space fraction numerator negative straight d over denominator 3 straight b end fraction space..... space left parenthesis ii right parenthesis
From space Eqs. space left parenthesis straight i right parenthesis space and space left parenthesis ii right parenthesis comma space we space get
fraction numerator negative straight c over denominator 2 straight a end fraction space equals space fraction numerator negative straight d over denominator 3 straight b end fraction
rightwards double arrow space 3 bc space equals space 2 ad
rightwards double arrow 2 ad minus 3 bc space equals space 0



The locus of the foot of perpendicular drawn from the centre of the ellipse x2+3y2 =6 on any tangent to it is

  • (x2-y2)2 = 6x2+2y2

  • (x2-y2)2 = 6x2 -2y2

  • (x2+y2)2 = 6x2+2y2

  • (x2+y2)2 = 6x2+2y2



Let C be the circle with centre at(1,1) and radius 1. If T is the circle centred at (0,y) passing through origin and touching the circle externally, then the radius of T is equal to

  • fraction numerator square root of 3 over denominator square root of 2 end fraction
  • fraction numerator square root of 3 over denominator 2 end fraction
  • 1/2

  • 1/2



The slope of the line touching both the parabolas y2 = 4x and x2-32y is 

  • 1/2

  • 3/2

  • 1/8

  • 1/8



The image of line fraction numerator straight x minus 1 over denominator 3 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator straight y minus 3 over denominator 1 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator straight z minus 4 over denominator negative 5 end fraction in the plane 2x-y+z+3 =0 is the line

  • fraction numerator straight x plus 3 over denominator 3 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator straight y minus 5 over denominator 1 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator straight z minus 2 over denominator negative 5 end fraction
  • fraction numerator straight x plus over denominator negative 3 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator straight y minus 5 over denominator negative 1 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator begin display style straight z plus 2 end style over denominator 5 end fraction
  • fraction numerator straight x minus 3 over denominator 3 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator straight y plus 5 over denominator 1 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator straight z minus 2 over denominator negative 5 end fraction
  • fraction numerator straight x minus 3 over denominator 3 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator straight y plus 5 over denominator 1 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator straight z minus 2 over denominator negative 5 end fraction


The statement ~ (p↔ ~q) is 

  • equivalent to p ↔ q

  • equivalent to ~ p ↔q

  • a tautology

  • a tautology



A bird is sitting on the top of a vertical pole 20m high and its elevation from a point O n the ground is 45o. It flies off horizontally straight away from the point O. After 1s, the elevation of the bird from O is reduced to 30o. Then, the speed (in m/s of the bird is

  • (40 square root of 2 minus end root space 1

  • 40 left parenthesis square root of 3 space space end root space minus space square root of 2 right parenthesis
  • 20 space square root of 2
  • 20 space square root of 2


The variance of first 50 even natural number is

  • 833/4

  • 833

  • 437

  • 437



If [a x b b x c c x a] = λ[a b c]2, then λ is equal to 

  • 0

  • 1

  • 2

  • 2



If α, β ≠ 0 and f(n) = αn+ βn and 

open vertical bar table row 3 cell 1 plus straight f left parenthesis 1 right parenthesis space space space space end cell cell 1 plus space straight f left parenthesis 2 right parenthesis end cell row cell 1 plus straight f left parenthesis 1 right parenthesis space space space space space end cell cell 1 plus straight f left parenthesis 2 right parenthesis space space space space space space end cell cell 1 plus straight f left parenthesis 3 right parenthesis end cell row cell 1 plus straight f left parenthesis 2 right parenthesis space space space end cell cell 1 plus straight f left parenthesis 3 right parenthesis space space space space space space space end cell cell 1 plus space straight f left parenthesis 4 right parenthesis end cell end table close vertical bar
= K(1-α)2(1-β)2(α- β)2, then K is equal to 

  • αβ 

  • 1/αβ 

  • 1

  • 1

