


NEET Class 12

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Copper sulphates dissolves in excess of KCN to give:

  • CuCN

  • [Cu(CN)4]3-

  • [Cu(CN)4]2-

  • [Cu(CN)4]2-



Copper sulphate on reaction with KCN to give cupric cyanide precipitates firstly which reduce into Cu2CN2 and dissolve in excess of KCN to give soluble K3[Cu(CN)4] complex salt

[CuSO4 + 2KCN →Cu(CN)2 + K2SO4] x 2

2Cu(CN2) → Cu2(CN)2 + NC - CN

Cu2(CN)2 + 6KCN → 2K3[Cu(CN)4]
2CuSO4 + 10 KCN → 2K3[Cu(CN)4 + 2K2SO4 + (CN)2]



In which of the following pairs are both the ions coloured in aqueous solution?

(At. no.: Sc = 21, Ti = 22, Ni = 28, Cu = 29, Co = 2)

  • Ni2+, Ti3+

  • Sc3+, Ti3+

  • Sc3+,Co2+

  • Sc3+,Co2+



Al2O3 can be converted to anhydrous AlCl3 by heating:

  • Al2O3 with HCl gas

  • Al2O3 with NaCl in solid state

  • a mixture of Al2O3 and carbon in dry Cl2 gas

  • a mixture of Al2O3 and carbon in dry Cl2 gas



The appearance of colour is solid alkali metal halides is generally due to:

  • F- centres

  • Schottky defect

  • Frenkel defect

  • Frenkel defect



If straight E to the power of straight o subscript Fe to the power of 2 plus end exponent divided by Fe end subscript space equals space minus space 0.441 space straight V space and space straight E to the power of straight o subscript Fe to the power of 3 plus end exponent divided by Fe to the power of 2 plus end exponent end subscript space equals space 0.771 space space straight V comma the standard emf of the reaction:

Fe + 2 Fe3+ →3Fe2+

will be:

  • 0.330 V

  • 1.653 V

  • 1.212 V
  • 1.212 V


For the reaction 

2A + B → 3C + D

Which of the following does not express the reaction rate?

  • fraction numerator straight d left square bracket straight C right square bracket over denominator 3 dt end fraction
  • negative fraction numerator straight d left square bracket straight B right square bracket over denominator dt end fraction
  • fraction numerator straight d left square bracket straight D right square bracket over denominator dt end fraction
  • fraction numerator straight d left square bracket straight D right square bracket over denominator dt end fraction


Consider the reaction

N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) → 2 NH3 (g) 

The equality relationship between fraction numerator straight d left square bracket NH subscript 3 right square bracket over denominator dt end fraction space and space fraction numerator negative straight d left square bracket straight H subscript 2 right square bracket over denominator dt end fraction is:

  • fraction numerator straight d left square bracket NH subscript 3 right square bracket over denominator dt end fraction space equals space minus space 1 third fraction numerator straight d left square bracket straight H subscript 2 right square bracket over denominator dt end fraction
  • fraction numerator straight d left square bracket NH subscript 3 right square bracket over denominator dt end fraction space equals space minus space 2 over 3 fraction numerator straight d left square bracket straight H subscript 2 right square bracket over denominator dt end fraction
  • plus fraction numerator straight d left square bracket NH subscript 3 right square bracket over denominator dt end fraction space equals space minus 3 over 2 fraction numerator straight d left square bracket straight H subscript 2 right square bracket over denominator dt end fraction
  • plus fraction numerator straight d left square bracket NH subscript 3 right square bracket over denominator dt end fraction space equals space minus 3 over 2 fraction numerator straight d left square bracket straight H subscript 2 right square bracket over denominator dt end fraction


Which of the following is not chiral 

  • 2-butanol

  • 2,3 -dibromo pentane

  • 3- bromopentane

  • 3- bromopentane



[Co(NH3)4(NO2)2]Cl exhibits:

  • linkage isomerism, ionisation isomerism and optical isomerism

  • Linkage isomerism, ionisation isomerism and geometrical isomerism

  • ionization isomerism, geometrical isomerism and optical isomerism

  • ionization isomerism, geometrical isomerism and optical isomerism



[Cr(H2O)6]Cl3 (at. no. of Cr = 24) has a magnetic moment of 3.83 BM, the correct distribution of 3d electrons in the chromium of the complex is:

  • 3 straight d subscript straight x squared minus straight y squared end subscript superscript 1 comma space 3 straight d subscript straight z squared end subscript superscript 1 comma space 3 straight d subscript xz superscript 1
  • 3 straight d subscript xy superscript 1 comma space 3 straight d subscript x squared minus y squared end subscript superscript 1 comma space 3 straight d subscript yz superscript 1
  • 3 straight d subscript xy superscript 1 comma space 3 straight d subscript zy superscript 1 comma space 3 straight d subscript zx superscript 1
  • 3 straight d subscript xy superscript 1 comma space 3 straight d subscript zy superscript 1 comma space 3 straight d subscript zx superscript 1
