Water Resources

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Water Scarcity And The Need For Water Conservation And Management

Water Scarcity: When water is not available in sufficient quantity and quality for all the people in an area, it is called water shortage or water scarcity. Water scarcity leads to drought and famine and claims thousand of lives every year in India. Followings are the causes of water scarcity:

  1. Amount of rainfall less than the normal.
  2. Excess use of water for irrigation to grow more crops.
  3. Over Exploitation of ground water by tube wells in the cities.
  4. Water pollution by dumping of waste from city and industries.
  5. Flood [Water is polluted and become unfit for use].

Need for Water Conservation and Management:
There is need to conserve and manage our water resources in order to safeguard ourselves from health hazards, to ensure food security, continuation of our livelihoods and productive activities.