Acids, Bases and Salts

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What Do All Acid And All Bases Have In Common

All acids have H+ ions in common.

Acids produce H+ ions in solution which are responsible for their acidic properties.

All bases have OH− (hydroxyl ions) in common.

What Do All Acid And All Bases Have In Common

All acids have H+ ions in common.

Acids produce H+ ions in solution which are responsible for their acidic properties.

All bases have OH− (hydroxyl ions) in common.

What Happens to an Acid or a base in Water Solution

  1. The concentration of hydrogen ion in an acid and hydroxide ion in a base; per unit volume; shows the concentration of acid or base.
  2. By mixing of acid to water, the concentration of hydrogen ion per unit volume decreases. Similarly, by addition of base to water, the concentration of hydroxide ion per unit volume decreases.
  3. This process of addition of acid or base to water is called dilution and the acid or base is called diluted.