Clothing : A Social History

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Transformations in Colonial India

As certain items of clothing signify specific things which could be contrary, this often leads to misunderstanding and conflict.

An example was a turban and a hat. The two headgears signified different things. This difference created misunderstandings as the hat had to be removed before superiors while the turban had to be worn consciously. The same was the case with shoes.

British Rule and Dress Codes

As certain items of clothing signify specific things which could be contrary, this often leads to misunderstanding and conflict.

An example was a turban and a hat. The two headgears signified different things. This difference created misunderstandings as the hat had to be removed before superiors while the turban had to be worn consciously. The same was the case with shoes.

Caste Conflict and Dress Change

Though India had no formal sumptuary laws it had its own strict food, dress and behaviour codes. It was the caste system that defined how or what the Hindus should wear, eat and behave.

If anyone deviated from the norms, they were severely punished. Even the government issued orders in some cases ordering low caste Hindus to observe a strict code of conduct.