Long Answer Type


(a) Draw a sectional view of human female reproductive system and label the part where

(i) eggs develop.
(ii) fertilisation takes place.
(iii) fertilised egg gets implanted.

(b) Describe, in brief, the changes the uterus undergoes
(i) to receive the zygote.
(ii) if zygote is not formed.

i. Eggs develop in - Ovary
ii. Fertilisation takes place in - Fallopian tube
iii. Fertilised egg gets implanted in the - Uterus


(i) On recieving the zygote the uterine walls becomes thicker and if the zygote gets implanted in the into the uterus then the female becomes pregnant. The
embryonic development of the zygote starts immediately. The embryo moves
down into the uterus forming a thick and soft lining of blood vessels around
itself. After implantation, placenta which is a special tissue, develops between the uterine wall and the embryo.

(ii) If the egg released by the ovary is not fertilized and the zygote is not
formed, then the thick lining of the uterus breaks down and comes out
through the vagina in the form of blood and mucous. This is called



(a) Name the parts labelled as A, B, C and D in the diagram given below:

(b) What is pollination? State its significance.

(c) How does fertilisation occur in flowers? Name the parts of the flower that develop into (i) seed, and (ii) fruit after fertilisation.