Short Answer Type


Read the given passage carefully and answer the following questions :

Above all, the linguistic states underlined the acceptance of the principle of diversity. When we say that India adopted democracy, it does not simply mean that India embraced a democratic constitution, nor does it merely mean that India adopted the format of elections. The choice was larger than that. It was a choice in favour of recognising and accepting the existence of differences which could at times be oppositional. Democracy, in other words, was associated with plurality of ideas and ways of life.

(i) What is meant by ‘linguistic states’ ?

(ii) Why were linguistic states formed in India ? Explain any two reasons.

(iii) How is democracy in India associated with plurality of ideas and ways of life ?

(i) Linguistic states are those created on the basis of language.

 (ii) (a) It was hoped that if the demands for separate states on linguistic basis are accepted, the threat of division and separation would be reduced.

 (b) Accommodation of regional demands and the formation of Linguistic states were seen as more democratic.

 (iii) India is country with different religions and cultures. In India principle of diversity is an accepted norms.



State any two differences between the First Five Year Plan and the Second Five Year Plan.


Justify that ‘‘Regionalism is not as dangerous as Communalism’’.


Read the given passage carefully and answer the following questions :

Non –alignment as a strategy evolved in the Cold War context….. with the disintegration of USSR and the end of Cold War in 1991, non-alignment, both, as an international movement and as the core of India’s foreign policy, lost some of its earlier relevance and effectiveness.

(i) Why did India adopt non-alignment ?

(ii) Explain any two reasons for the loss of its relevance by the Non- Aligned Movement.

(iii) How far do you agree that the Non-Aligned Movement has become an international movement ?


Which characteristics made the Congress an ideological coalition during the freedom movement of India ?



Read the given passage carefully and answer the following questions :

The Naxalite Movement has used force to snatch land from the rich landowners and give it to the poor and the landless. Its supporters advocated the use of violent means to achieve their political goals. In spite of the use of preventive detention and other strong measures adopted by the West Bengal Government…, the Naxalite Movement did not come to an end. In later years, it spread to many other parts of the country.

(i) Why did the Naxalite prefer to use violence ?

(ii) Assess the positive role of the Naxalite Movement in spite of using violence.

(iii) Suggest any two measures to contain this movement. 


Describe any four demands made by the Bharatiya Kisan Union after 1980.


Explain the circumstances that forced the Tibetans to leave China. Highlight India’s role in helping the Tibetan refugees.


In what way do the coalition governments prove to be more democratic than the one-party governments ?



Why do some people feel that Article 370 should be revoked?