Multiple Choice Questions


Study the following statements and select the option with correct statements.

  1. Pulvinus leaf base is present in some leguminous plants
  2. In Eichhornia, the petioles expand becomes green and synthesise food.
  3. Opposite phyllotaxy is seen in guava.

  • I and II

  • I and III

  • II and III

  • I, II and III


I and III

Most of the leaves have a swollen leaf base known as pulvinus. Its attachment to the stem is not strong. In guava opposite phyllotaxy is found. In this case, all the pairs of leaves of branch arise in the same plane so that two vertical rows are formed.

In Australian Acacia, petiole gets modified into leaf-like structure and synthesise food. In Eichhornia, petiole becomes spongy and helps in floating.


Match the following columns.

Column I Column II
A. Pinocytosis 1. Euglena Gracillis
B. Hotozoic 2. Paramecium
C. Parasitic 3. Amoeba Proteus
D. Mixotrophic 4. Monocystis

  • A B C D
    3 2 4 1
  • A B C D
    2 3 4 1
  • A B C D
    4 3 1 2
  • A B C D
    1 4 2 3

The chromosome in which centromere is situated close to one end are

  • Metacentric 

  • Acrocentric

  • Telocentric

  • Sub-metacentric

Post-mitotic gap phase is characterised by all, except

  • Synthesis of RNA and nucleotides

  • No change in DNA content

  • Synthesis of histone proteins

  • Growth phase of the hell

Select the correct combination of statements regarding Myasthenia gravis.

  1. It is an auto-immune disorder.
  2. It causes insufficient acetylcholine binding that effects muscular contraction.
  3. Antibodies are developed against acetylcholine
  4. Antibodies are developed against acetylcholine receptors.
  5. It causes drooping of eyelids.

  • I, III, IV,V

  • I, III,V II

  • I, II, IV, V

  • II, III, IV, V


Sliding filament theory can be best explained as

  • When myofilaments slide pass each other actin filaments shorten while myosin filament does not shorten

  • Actin-myosin filaments shorten and slide pass each other

  • Actin and myosin filaments do not shorten, but rather slide pass each other

  • When myofilament slide passes each other myosin filament shorten while actin filament do not shorten.

Organ of Jacobson helps in

  • Touch

  • Vision

  • Smell

  • Hearing

Which one correctly describe reproduction and life cycle of fern?

  • Spore → Gamete → Prothallus → Sporophyte

  • Gamete → Spore → Prothallus → Plant

  • Prothallus → Sporophyte → Gamete → Fern

  • Sporangia → Spore → Prothallus → Sporophyte → Plant

Following are the two statements regarding the origin of life.

  1. The earliest organisms that appeared on the earth were non-green and presumably an aerobes.
  2. The first autotrophic organisms were the chemoautotrophs that never released oxygen of the above statements which on of the following options is correct?


  • II is correct, but I is false

  • Both I and II are correct

  • Both I and II are false

  • I is correct, but II is false


Phellogen and phellem respectively denote

  • Cork and cork cambium

  • Cork cambium and cork

  • Secondary cortex and cork

  • Cork and secondary cortex