Multiple Choice Questions


Some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and corresponding to the appropriate correction option. If a sentence is free from error, corresponding to 'No error' option.

The Russian ambassador's whereabouts is not known to anyone

  • whereabout is

  • not known to anyone

  • The Russian ambassador's

  • The Russian ambassador's


The Russian ambassador's

The sentence is correct.



You have a passage with 5 questions following. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.

In September 2011,  The Hindustan Times did a study in Delhi and reported that the number of malaria (and dengue) cases at the time were actually thrice as many as revealed by the city authorities. Earlier, in Mumbai, a municipal claim that 145 people died due to malaria in 2010 was exposed a lie after Praja, a city NGO, extracted figures from the municipality itself. Following an RTI petition, Praja revealed 1190 deaths. This seems to be a habit. A paper in the leading UK medical journal The Lancet, published following nationwide interviews undertaken by an international team, reveals that the number of malarial deaths all over India every year may be as high as 205000, which is many times the World Health Organization's figure of about 15000, of the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme's figure of just around 1000. While the Lancet paper has been disputed, it is clear that there must be gross under-reporting of malarial deaths. Wouldn't that be one of the big reasons why malaria, which is easily cured if properly treated after timely diagnosis, continues to kill, so many Indians?

What is 'the habit" mentioned in the passage?

  • Filing RTIs

  • Hiding the real figures of malaria cases

  • Conducting studies and surveys in towns and cities

  • Exposing the authority's incompetence


You have a passage with 5 questions following. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.

In September 2011,  The Hindustan Times did a study in Delhi and reported that the number of malaria (and dengue) cases at the time were actually thrice as many as revealed by the city authorities. Earlier, in Mumbai, a municipal claim that 145 people died due to malaria in 2010 was exposed a lie after Praja, a city NGO, extracted figures from the municipality itself. Following an RTI petition, Praja revealed 1190 deaths. This seems to be a habit. A paper in the leading UK medical journal The Lancet, published following nationwide interviews undertaken by an international team, reveals that the number of malarial deaths all over India every year may be as high as 205000, which is many times the World Health Organization's figure of about 15000, of the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme's figure of just around 1000. While the Lancet paper has been disputed, it is clear that there must be gross under-reporting of malarial deaths. Wouldn't that be one of the big reasons why malaria, which is easily cured if properly treated after timely diagnosis, continues to kill, so many Indians?

The Lancet is a

  • journal

  • magazine

  • newspaper

  • medical book


Some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and corresponding to the appropriate correction option. If a sentence is free from error, corresponding to 'No error' option.

We have finished our work three hours ago and have been waiting for you since then

  • three hours ago and have been waiting

  • we have finished our work

  • for you since, then

  • for you since, then


You have a passage with 5 questions following. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.

In September 2011,  The Hindustan Times did a study in Delhi and reported that the number of malaria (and dengue) cases at the time were actually thrice as many as revealed by the city authorities. Earlier, in Mumbai, a municipal claim that 145 people died due to malaria in 2010 was exposed a lie after Praja, a city NGO, extracted figures from the municipality itself. Following an RTI petition, Praja revealed 1190 deaths. This seems to be a habit. A paper in the leading UK medical journal The Lancet, published following nationwide interviews undertaken by an international team, reveals that the number of malarial deaths all over India every year may be as high as 205000, which is many times the World Health Organization's figure of about 15000, of the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme's figure of just around 1000. While the Lancet paper has been disputed, it is clear that there must be gross under-reporting of malarial deaths. Wouldn't that be one of the big reasons why malaria, which is easily cured if properly treated after timely diagnosis, continues to kill, so many Indians?

The Hindustan Times found that the number of malaria cases in 2011 was

  • exactly as the numbers revealed by the authorities

  • three times the numbers revealed by the authorities

  • half the numbers revealed by the authorities

  • twice than the numbers revealed by the authorities



Some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and corresponding to the appropriate correction option. If a sentence is free from error, corresponding to 'No error' option.

Several guests noticed Mr Sharma falling back in his chair and gasping for breath.

  • falling back in his chair

  • Several guests noticed Mr. Sharma

  • and gasping for breath

  • and gasping for breath


Some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and corresponding to the appropriate correction option. If a sentence is free from error, corresponding to 'No error' option.

A study is going underway to determine the exact concentration of lead in the water supply.

  • to determine the exact concentration

  • A study is going underway

  • of lead in the water supply

  • of lead in the water supply


You have a passage with 5 questions following. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.

In September 2011,  The Hindustan Times did a study in Delhi and reported that the number of malaria (and dengue) cases at the time were actually thrice as many as revealed by the city authorities. Earlier, in Mumbai, a municipal claim that 145 people died due to malaria in 2010 was exposed a lie after Praja, a city NGO, extracted figures from the municipality itself. Following an RTI petition, Praja revealed 1190 deaths. This seems to be a habit. A paper in the leading UK medical journal The Lancet, published following nationwide interviews undertaken by an international team, reveals that the number of malarial deaths all over India every year may be as high as 205000, which is many times the World Health Organization's figure of about 15000, of the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme's figure of just around 1000. While the Lancet paper has been disputed, it is clear that there must be gross under-reporting of malarial deaths. Wouldn't that be one of the big reasons why malaria, which is easily cured if properly treated after timely diagnosis, continues to kill, so many Indians?

The findings of the Lancet were published after

  • nationwide interviews were carried out

  • international reviews of the findings were done

  • proper verifications of the findings were done

  • the international team left India


Some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and corresponding to the appropriate correction option. If a sentence is free from error, corresponding to 'No error' option.

Many a man want to be rich quickly

  • want to be

  • Many a man

  • rich quickly

  • rich quickly



You have a passage with 5 questions following. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.

In September 2011,  The Hindustan Times did a study in Delhi and reported that the number of malaria (and dengue) cases at the time were actually thrice as many as revealed by the city authorities. Earlier, in Mumbai, a municipal claim that 145 people died due to malaria in 2010 was exposed a lie after Praja, a city NGO, extracted figures from the municipality itself. Following an RTI petition, Praja revealed 1190 deaths. This seems to be a habit. A paper in the leading UK medical journal The Lancet, published following nationwide interviews undertaken by an international team, reveals that the number of malarial deaths all over India every year may be as high as 205000, which is many times the World Health Organization's figure of about 15000, of the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme's figure of just around 1000. While the Lancet paper has been disputed, it is clear that there must be gross under-reporting of malarial deaths. Wouldn't that be one of the big reasons why malaria, which is easily cured if properly treated after timely diagnosis, continues to kill, so many Indians?

One of the big reasons for malarial death is

  • untimely diagnosis

  • under-reporting of malarial deaths

  • over-reporting of malarial deaths

  • lack of proper treatment