Multiple Choice Questions


Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and indicate it.
Opinion contrary to accepted doctrines

  • Controversy

  • Convention

  • Advocacy

  • Advocacy





Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and indicate it.
A person who agrees to work for somebody in order to learn a skill

  • Apprentice

  • Assistant

  • Pupil

  • Pupil


Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and indicate it.
To die without making a will

  • Inane

  • Indigent

  • Inure

  • Inure


You have a passage with 5 questions following. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.

The capitalist system does not foster healthy relations among human beings. A few people own all the means of production and others have to sell their labour under conditions imposed upon them. The emphasis of capitalism being on the supreme importance of material wealth, the intensity of its appeal is to the acquisitive tendency. It promotes worship of economic power with little regard to the means employed for its acquisition and the end that it serves. By its exploitation of human beings to the limits of endurance, its concentration is on the largest profit rather than maximum production. Thus, the division of human society is done on the basis of profit motive. All this is injurious to human dignity and when the harrowed poor turn to the founders of religion for succour, they rather offer a subtle dense for the established order. They promise future happiness for present suffering. They conjure up visions of paradise to soothe the suffering majority and censure the revolt of the tortured men. The system imposes injustice, the religion justifies it.

In a capitalist system

  • means which lead to exploitation are strictly prohibited

  • the ends justify the means

  • the means endorsed by religion are strictly followed

  • the means endorsed by religion are strictly followed


You have a passage with 5 questions following. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.

The capitalist system does not foster healthy relations among human beings. A few people own all the means of production and others have to sell their labour under conditions imposed upon them. The emphasis of capitalism being on the supreme importance of material wealth, the intensity of its appeal is to the acquisitive tendency. It promotes worship of economic power with little regard to the means employed for its acquisition and the end that it serves. By its exploitation of human beings to the limits of endurance, its concentration is on the largest profit rather than maximum production. Thus, the division of human society is done on the basis of profit motive. All this is injurious to human dignity and when the harrowed poor turn to the founders of religion for succour, they rather offer a subtle dense for the established order. They promise future happiness for present suffering. They conjure up visions of paradise to soothe the suffering majority and censure the revolt of the tortured men. The system imposes injustice, the religion justifies it.

Capitalism divides society into the two categories of ..................

  • working and non-working people

  • buyers and sellers

  • religions and irreligious people

  • religions and irreligious people



Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and indicate it.
Make pale by excluding light.

  • Etiolate

  • Foliate

  • Percoalte

  • Percoalte


Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and indicate it.
One who is concerned with the welfare of others.

  • Altruist

  • Egoist

  • Hedonist

  • Hedonist


Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and indicate it.
Someone who is designated to hear both sides of a dispute and make a judgement.

  • Arbitrator

  • Manager

  • Magistrate

  • Magistrate


You have a passage with 5 questions following. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.

The capitalist system does not foster healthy relations among human beings. A few people own all the means of production and others have to sell their labour under conditions imposed upon them. The emphasis of capitalism being on the supreme importance of material wealth, the intensity of its appeal is to the acquisitive tendency. It promotes worship of economic power with little regard to the means employed for its acquisition and the end that it serves. By its exploitation of human beings to the limits of endurance, its concentration is on the largest profit rather than maximum production. Thus, the division of human society is done on the basis of profit motive. All this is injurious to human dignity and when the harrowed poor turn to the founders of religion for succour, they rather offer a subtle dense for the established order. They promise future happiness for present suffering. They conjure up visions of paradise to soothe the suffering majority and censure the revolt of the tortured men. The system imposes injustice, the religion justifies it.

The passage indicates that the capitalist system is

  • dehumanizing

  • prosperous

  • ambitious

  • ambitious



Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and indicate it.
That which cannot be avoided.

  • Unvarying

  • Unrestrained

  • Inevitable

  • Inevitable