
In the following questions, you have brief passages with 5 / 10 questions following each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.
We all know that Eskimos have 50 different words for ‘snow’ Or is it 500? Anyway, an awful lot. It is one of those interesting little facts that says something about the amazing ingenuity of humans. Whereas we see snow, the Eskimos perceive an endlessly varying realm of white textures and possibilities. Except that is not true. Talk to the average Eskimo and you’ll find he has about the same number of words for snow as we do. I discovered this when I took a sledge-dog team through the Russian Arctic and asked the locals. And it gets worse: the Eskimo-Inuit do not live in igloos.
Shelters made out of snow are indeed constructed and fashioned from snowy bricks. Just as we like to imagine. Except the Eskimo-Inuit rarely lived in them for long disappointingly, the elders that I met had never heard of them. In truth, these are coastal peoples who traditionally foraged for driftwood, whalebone, stones, and turf to construct their camps, saving snow-houses for hunting excursions or migrations.

Chameleons also attract numerous myths. While many of them change color, this is often less to do with camouflage and more to do with their mood and temperature. A chameleon might, if too cold, turn a darker shade to absorb more heat. or it might turn a lighter color to reflect the sun and so cool down. Moreover, chameleons often change color as a signalling device some such as the panther chameleon. transform into a vivid orange to scare off predators, while others flash bright color to attract a mate. The brighter the color a mate is able to display, the more dominant. Thus the act of standing out can be more important than that of blending in.
A chameleon warms itself by

  • residing in bright areas

  • turning a darker colour to absorb more heat

  • matching its colour with the environment

  • matching its colour with the environment


turning a darker colour to absorb more heat



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