
Describe Douglas’s condition when he was in the pool?


What did Douglas experience as he went down to the bottom of the pool for the first time?

Douglas went down to the bottom of nine feet deep water for the first time. Nine feet seemed to him like more than ninety feet. He grew panicky. Before, he could touch the bottom, his lungs were about to burst. He felt paralysed. He was buried in the water. His breath was gone and terror overpowered his heart.



When did Douglas grow panicky? How did Douglas feel when he went down for the first time in the pool?


What did Douglas experience as he went down to the bottom of the pool for the first time?

What is the ‘misadventure’ that William Douglas speaks about?


What misadventure did William Douglas experience at the Y.M.CA pool?

What sort of terror seized Douglas as he went down the water with a yellow glow? How could he feel that he was still alive?

How did the incident at the Y. M. C. A. pool affect Douglas?


How did Douglas’ misadventure at the YMCA pool affect his later life?

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