
Which signals will get disrupted in case of a spinal cord injury?

In case of spinal cord injury the following sihnals will be disrupted:
(i)    Reflex actions will be disturbed because reflex arcs are located in the spinal cord. So, the quick responses needed to safe guard the body will not take place. The delayed responses may pose harm to the body. For example, delayed response to touching a hot object may cause burn of the body part. 

(ii)   Impulses from various body parts will not be communicated to brain.
(iii)  Messages from brain to body parts will not be communicated.



What is the need for a system of control and coordination in an organism?

Compare and contrast nervous and hormonal mechanisms for control and coordination in animals.

How does chemical coordination occur in plants?

How are involuntary actions and reflex actions different from each other?

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