
Define inertia of direction. Give some examples of inertia of direction.

The inability of a body to change by itself its direction of motion is called Inertia of direction.

Examples of inertia of direction:

i) A dog chases a hare, the hare runs along a zig-zag path. It becomes more difficult for the dog to catch the hare because dog has more inertia of direction than that of the hare. 

(ii) Consider a stone being rotated at the end of a string in a circle. If the string is suddenly released, the stone flies off tangentially to its circular path.

(iii) As a bicycle moves, the water drops sticking to its tyre start leaving it tangentially.



State Newton’s first law of motion. Explain it with the help of suitable examples. 

What is relationship between mass and inertia? Give the SI unit of mass and inertia.

Give some examples to illustrate Newton’s second law of motion.

Explain how Newton’s second law can be used to define the unit of force. Define the SI unit of force.

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