
What do you mean by the following terms: Dominant, Recessive?

Dominant: The factor of a character which is able to express itself in a heterozygote as well as a homozygote is called dominant. For example, in hybrid or heterozygous tall Pea plant both the factors for tallness (T) and dwarfhess (t) are present. However, only the factor for tallness is able to express itself in the individual because it is dominant.
Recessive: It is a factor in allelic pair which is unable to express itself in a heterozygote or hybrid, because of the presence of contrasting dominant factor. it is expressed only in the homozygous condition. For example, in the hybrid or heterozygous tall Pea plant both the factors for tallness and dwarfness are present (Tt). However, the factor for dwarfness is unable to express itself in the presence of factor for tallness because it is recessive.


What do you mean by the following terms: Homozygote, Heterozygote?

What do you mean by the following terms: Codominant, Genotype, Phenotype?

Define F1 and F2 generations.

Define the terms: Variations, Acquired Variations.

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