
What explains the anger of the Deccan ryots against the moneylenders?

Following were the main reasons of anger of the Deccan ryots against the moneylenders:

(i) Moneylenders refused to extend loans to ryots. Ryots felt that moneylenders were insensitive to their plight and miserable conditions.

(ii) Moneylenders were disobeying the traditional norms of rural areas. For example amount of interest could not exceed the principal amount. But in one of the case moneylender had charged more than Rs. 2,000 as interest on the principal amount of Rs. 100.

(iii) Unpaid amount of interest was also being included in new loan deeds so that moneylender could remain away from the hands of law and his amount remain as it is.

(iv) No receipt was given to peasant in case of repayment of loan.

(v) Ryots also complained of moneylenders manipulating laws and forging accounts.



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