
What were the inventions in the Textile industry in England as a result of Industrial Revolution?

Inventions in the Textile Industry:

(i) Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny in 1764 which speeded up the spinning work.

(ii) John Key invented Flying Shuttle which speeded up weaving.

(iii) In 1776 Arkwright improved Hargreaves’ s machine. Now it could be run by water power. It was called The Water Frame.

(iv) In 1776 Crompton invented the machine called Mule which combined the advantages of both the machines invented by Hargreaves and Arkwright.

(v) In 1785 Cartwright invented the Power-loom. It was run by steam power for spinning and weaving.

(vi) Eli Whitney, invented the Cotton Jin in 1793. This machine could separate seeds from cotton 300 times faster than by hand.


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Why or why not ?

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