
How does growth in population bring social change in society ?

Growth in Population and Social Change : 1. Increase of population may creates so many problems for the society. These problems have great impact in all spheres of life.

2. The balance between the size of the population and natural resources (i.e., land, water, forest, minerals, etc.) of a country is significant. Any change in this balance brings social change. Industrialised nations require to maintain this balance. Otherwise, they will not be in a position to keep the continuity of growth and development due to shortage of resources.


What is technology ?

What do you understand by ‘progress’ ?

What is meant by the following terms/words :

(a) Progress, (b) Technology, (c) Evolution, (d) Revolution.

Explain the meaning of the following terms/words :

(i) Diffusion, (ii) Social change, (iii) Cultural change, (iv) Envinronment.

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