
Reproduce in your own words, the Third Level of the Grand Central Station, New York.


Specify some of the unusual things that the narrator noticed at the Third Level of the Grand Central Station.


How did Charley know that he had bumped into the past?


What kind of people did Charley ‘see’ at the third level?

There does not exist any Third Level at the Grand Central Station, New York. It is Charley’s own imagination and fantasy that he is involved in. In reality it is his journey into the past and the Third Level might have existed a century ago.

A man was sitting there in the booth. He wore a green eye-shade and a long black sleeve protectors. He saw a man glancing at his watch. He wore a derby hat, a black four button suit with small lapels. He had a big black handlebar mustaches. Other people had worn dresses like eighteen ninetees. They had beards, side burns and fancy mustaches. A woman was wearing a dress with leg of mutton sleeves and high buttoned shoes. He also saw a news-boy having. The world’ and the name was published on June 11,1894.



Why do you think that the Third Level was a medium of escape for Charley?


How does the story interweave fantasy and reality?

How does Sam view Charley's concept of the Third Level? How was he entrapped into it?

Describe narrator's journey to the Third Level of the Grand Central Station at New York.


How did Charley stumble into the Third Level at Grand Central Station?


Narrate Charley's visit to the Third Level of the Grand Central Station, New York.


How did Charley reach the third level of Grand Central? How was it different from the other levels?


What made Charley believe that he was actually standing at the third level?

‘The modern consumerist world is full of fear, insecurities, stress and wars.’ What are the ways in which we try to combat them?

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