
Explain the classification of different sources of energy?

Energy sources can be classified as: 

(i) Non-renewable resources: The sources of energy which are produced under special circumstances over millions of years due to slow changes. The process involved is not continuous.
E.g., Fossil fuels like coal, petroleum and natural gas are non-renewable energy sources. With the present rate of their consumption, it is estimated that known deposits of petroleum in our country will be exhausted in another 200 years and that coal may last for another 250 years.

(ii) Renewable sources: The sources of energy which can be harnessed into energy so long as the earth derives its heat and light from the sun are renewable sources. 
E.g., flowing water, wind, tides, ocean waves and biogas are examples of renewable sources. Wood is also a renewable source of energy.



What are the main constituents of biogas? Describe with a labelled diagram how it is prepared in a fixed dome type plant. What is the advantage of this plant?

What are thermal power plants? How will you demonstrate that thermal energy is converted into electrical energy?

What is windmill? Draw a diagram to show how a windmill can be used to draw water from the ground.

What causes the wind to blow? Explain the principle of working of a windmill. State two advantages of using wind energy.

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