
Social changes in Britain which led to an increase in women readers.

Social changes in Britain that led to an increase in women readers:

(i)The most exciting element of the novel was the involvement of women. The eighteenth century saw the middle classes become more prosperous.

(ii)Women got more leisure to read as well as write novels. And novels began exploring the world of women – their emotions and identities, their experiences and problems.

(iii)Many novels were about domestic life – a theme about which women were allowed to speak with authority. They drew upon their experience, wrote about family life and earned public recognition.


After 1740, the readership of novels began to include poorer people.

Novelists in colonial India wrote for a political cause.

What actions of Robinson Crusoe make us see him as a typical coloniser?

Outline the changes in technology and society which led to an increase in the readers of the novel in the eighteenth century Europe.

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