
As the wedding guest, make a diary entry of your observations about the ancient mariner.

4th March, 2013
9:00 pm 

Dear Diary, 

Today, I went to attend the wedding reception of my cousin with my two besties. Though I enjoyed a lot, I had an unusual experience. While I was receiving guests, I came across a man who looked very strange. He entered the marriage hall escaping the security.

Despite our protests, he insisted on narrating to us his tale of resentment. He looked unnaturally old with skinny tanned limbs and glittering eyes and the tale he narrated to us seemed too surreal to be true. He said he used to be a mariner who shot an innocent albatross who was guiding their ship out of the perilous ice. This ungrateful act enraged a powerful spirit who used to love the albatross. His actions resulted in the death of his crewmates. He feels a great deal of agony which is relieved only when he narrates the tale to somebody. My encounter with him has taught me that we must never hurt the hand which helps.



How did the mariners reach the land of ice and snow?

Read the extract given below and answer briefly the questions that follow:

          He holds him with his skinny hand,
          'There was a ship', quoth he.

(i) Who does 'He' refer to in the above extract?
(ii) What do we know about the speaker's feelings?
(iii) Why is his hand called 'skinny'?

Respect for all forms of life is an essential value. Unmindful destruction of nature and its creatures deserves just punishment. Write in 80 -100 words this essential value as brought out in the poem, 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'.

How did the mariners reach the land of ice and snow?

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