
Explain any four ideas of Liberal Nationalists in the economic sphere.


Explain any four ways in which teachers and students organised resistance against the French in Vietnam.

The four ideas of liberal nationalists in the economic sphere were-

(i) Liberal nationalists stood for freedom of markets and the abolition of state-imposed restrictions on the movement of goods and capital.

(ii)They formed the Custom Union or Zolleverin in Prussia in 1834, joined by most of the German states, advancing the cause for a unified economic territory.

(iii)The union abolished tariff barriers and reduced the number of currencies from over thirty to two.

(iv)They stood for the creation of a network of railways which improved mobility harnessing economic interest to national unification.


The ways in which teachers and students organised resistance against the French in Vietnam were -

(i) Vietnamese teachers quietly modified the text and criticised what was started.

(ii) The students protested in the Saigon Native girls school when a Vietnamese girl was discriminated against the French students.

(iii) Students fought against the government’s efforts to prevent the Vietnamese from qualifying for white-collar jobs.

(iv) Students formed various political parties, such as the Party of Young Annan, and published nationalist journals such as the Annamese Student.



Who hosted 'Vienna Congress' in 1815? Analyse the main changes brought by the 'Vienna Treaty?  


Analyse the role of 'Hoa-Hao' movement to arouse anti-imperialist sentiments in Vietnam. 

The idealistic liberal-democratic sentiment of nationalism in the first half of the nineteenth century became a narrow creed with limited ends. Examine the statement.


The roles of women varied in the anti-imperialist movement in vietnam. Examine the statement.

Which one of the following was an impact of the Great Depression of 1930s on Vietnam?

  • Japan defeated and occupied Vietnam.

  • Price of rice and rubber increased.

  • There was decrease in unemployment.

  • There was decrease in unemployment.

How did culture play an important role in creating the idea of the ‘nation’ in Europe? Explain with examples.


How were Vietnamese nationalists inspired by Japan and China to set up a democratic republic? Explain with examples.

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