
Why do we consider Blood as a connective tissue?

Blood is called a connective tissue As it helps in the trasport of essential substances to the cells and carries waste substances fro there. It connects the body systems, transports oxygen and nutrients to all the parts of the body, and removes the waste products. Blood also has an extra-cellular matrix called plasma, with red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets floating in it.



Sino-auricular node is called pacemaker of our heart. Why?

Match the following options:

A. Eosionophils (i) Coagulation
B. R.B.C. (ii) Universal Recipient
C. AB group (iii) Resist Infections
D. AB group (iv) Contraction of Heart
E. Systole (v) Gas transport

Why do we call our heart myogenic?

Describe the evolutionary changes in the pattern of heart among vertebrates.

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