
Discuss the various abnormal constituents of urine.

Abnormal constituents of urine are :

1. Proteinuria : e.g. When albumin and globulin are present in urine.

2. Glycosuria : When glucose is present in urea.

3. Hematuria : It is the presence of blood in urine is called hematuria.

4. Ketouria : The presence of ketone bodies causes ketouria.

5. Albuminuria : Presence of albumin in urine is callcd albuminureu.



Explain why :

(a) Skin functions as an accessory excretory organ.

 Explain why :
(c) Micturition is reflex process but is under some  control.

Write nitrogens waste products in different vertebrates.

Briefly explain the following:
i. Flame cells.
ii. Nephridia.

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