
 Explain various types of synovial joints.

Synovial joints - These joit s are characterised by the presence of a fluid filled synovial cavity between the articulating surfaces of the two bones. Such an arragement allows considerable movement. The synovial joints help in the locomotion and many other movements.

The different types of synovial joints are :

i. Ball and Socket - In this type of joint the ball-shapped head of one bone articulates with cup-shaped cavity of another. It is found between n humerus and pectoral girdle.

ii. Hinge joint joint - In this type of joint -surface of one bone articulates with concave surface of another. It is found between the carpals.

iii. Saddle joint - Each bone in a saddle joint resembles a saddle, with concave and convex portions that fit together. It is found between the carpal and metacarpal of thumb.

iv. Pivot joint. - This joint consist of the rounded end of one bone fitting into a ring formed by the other bone. It is found between atlas and axis.

v. Gliding joint - It is formed between bones that meet at flat or nearly flat articular surfaces In this type of joint the   It is found between the carpals 



 Explain the important types of movements

 Mention the functions of vertebral column.

Answer the following briefly :

(a) How does a muscle shorten during its contraction and lengthen during its relaxation?

(b) What biological functions are served by the skeletal system ?
(c) Why a red muscle fibre can work for a prolonged period while a white musule fibre suffers from fatigue after a shorter work ?


Explain pelvic girdle. Give its functions.

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