
Classify the plants depending upon photoperiodism.

Types of plants depending upon photoperiodism :

1. Short day plants : These plants produce flowers in winter. They are also called long night plants e.g. Chrysanthemum, tabacco etc.

2. Long day plants : These plants produce flowers in summer, when the days are long and duration of light is above critical point e.g. Melon, Momordica, Water-melon, Lady's finger plant etc.

3. Short long day plants : These plants need short photoperiod for initiation and long photoperiod for blossoming of flowers e.g. Rye, Campanula etc.

4. Long short day plants : These plants need long photoperiod for initiation and short photoperiod for opening of floral buds. They give flowers between summer and winter e.g. Cestrum, Bryophyllum etc.

5. Intermediate plants : These plants need definite photoperiod for flowering e.g. wild kidney bean.

6. Day neutral plants : These plants produce flowers in both winter and summer seasons. They do not need any specific photoperiod e.g. Sunflower Tomato etc.


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