
When you visit a village, you notice that many people are looking for work and their living conditions are poor. The roads are in bad conditions. There is no safe drinking water. What will you do?                                         

Most of the people in villages are underemployed and unemployed. Their standard of living is very poor. The government policies have failed to remove the poor condition of rural people. High growth alone is not sufficient to reduce poverty. Without the active participation of poor, no successful implementation of programmes is possible. Implementation of poverty alleviation programmes requires active involvement of poor. This is possible through a process of social mobilization encouraging poor people to participate and get them empowered. It will also create employment opportunities, which may lead to increase in levels of income, skill development, health and literacy. It is necessary to identify poverty striken areas and provide infrastructure such as schools, roads, power, telecom, information technology, training institutes. The villagers can get help from Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna, Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojna etc.



What are the causes of poverty in India?

Critically examine the mechanism used by the government to estimate the number of poor.

Write some measures to remove poverty in India.

What are the various policies and programmes towards poverty alleviation of the government?

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