
“No generation has a freehold on this earth. All we have is a life tenancy—with a full repairing lease”. Justify this statement of Margaret Thatcher.


“We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers ; we have borrowed it from our children.” Justify it reasonably.

Man has entertained many false illusions. He considers himself to be the lord of this world. His arrogance and misdeeds have caused untold havoc and destruction. He considers that he has a freehold on this earth. He can indulge himself in plundering of natural wealth and resources at will. The protein-conscious and hungry world has ruined fishing. Forests are disappearing at the rate of an acre and a half every second. Grasslands and croplands are being converted into wastelands and deserts. Man is the most dangerous animal of the world who has made this earth an ailing planet.

We should remember that we are not the masters but only the trustees of this planet. We owe a duty to leave this earth in good health and good shape to the coming generations. As Margaret Thatcher says we have only a life tenancy and not the ownership. Nor have we inherited this world from our forefathers. We have borrowed it from our children. At all costs we have to maintain a sustainable development. We must meet our present needs without harming the interests and needs of the coming generations.



What is the Green Movement?

“Are we to leave our successors a scorched planet of advancing deserts, impoverished landscapes and ailing environment” ? How has “the most dangerous animal'’ of the world caused the destruction of the earth’s principal biological systems?

What signs reveal that the earth is a patient in declining health? What is the concept of ‘sustainable development’ and how is it being disturbed?

What is the positive shift that has come in human perceptions and what is the role of the Green Movement in bringing such a change?

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