
What impression would you form of a state where the king was ‘just and placid’?

The poem satirises how a ‘Just’ and ‘placid’ king ruled his state. The king has been described a ‘just and placid’ king. He lived in a fool’s paradise. He was too placid. Nothing could move him to take an independent decision. Perhaps he was too good to be of any use to his state and the people. He was whimsical and fickle-minded.

One can imagine the state of such a kingdom. The king was so ‘just’ that he could do no justice. He goes on shifting his decisions. He is swayed by the moods of the people. He can be easily convinced. He lacks determination and sound judgement.

In such a state anyone can meet the most unexpected end. Be it the king himself. The just king has to appear just and fair. He judges the mood of the people. They want someone to be hanged immediately. Be it the head of the king himself. The king is hanged to death by his own decree. The Ministers and the people only thank God. At least someone came forward to be hanged. It made no difference to them if their king was a man or a melon.



Narrate ‘The Tale of Melon City’ in your own words.

How, according to you, can peace and liberty be maintained in a state?

Suggest a few instances in the poem which highlight humour and irony.

‘The Tale of Melon City’ has been narrated in a verse form. This is a unique style which lends extra charm to an ancient tale. Find similar examples in your language. Share them in the class.
