
What do you know about spatio -temporal Distribution of tropical cyclone in India?

The spatio -temporal Distribution of tropical cyclone in India:

i. Owing to its Peninsular shape surrounded by the Bay of Bengal in the east and the Arabian Sea in the west, the tropical cyclones in India also originate in these two important locations.

ii. Though most of the cyclones originate between 10°-15° north latitudes during the monsoon season, yet in case of the Bay of Bengal, cyclones mostly develop during the months of October and November.

iii. Here, they originate between 16°-2° N latitudes and to the west of 92° E. By July the place of origin of these storms shifts to around 18° N latitude and west of 90°E near the Sunderban Delta.

Describe the structure of tropical cyclone.

What is a landslide ? Explain their effects.

Mention the resolution of the World Conference on Natural Disasters Reduction held in the city of Yokohama.

Distinguish between a hazard and a disaster.

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