
Distinguish between :
1. Bhabar and Tarai
2. Islands of the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal.
3. Folding and Faulting




1. Bhabar is a long narrow plain along the foothills.

2. It is pebble-studded zone of porous beds.

3. It is 8-16 km wide.

4. Streams area a lot in the region due to porous rocks.

5. It is unsuitable for agriculture.

1. Tarai is a broad long zone south of Bhabar plain.

2. It is a marshy damp area covered with thick forests.

3. It is 20 to 30 km wide.

4. Many streams re-emerge here from the Bhabar area.

5. It is suitable for agriculture.



Islands of Arabian Sea

Islands of Bay of Bengal

Lakshadweep contains a number of islands. Eleven islands are comparatively larger. All the islands have been built by corals and have fringing reefs close to their shores.

The islands of Bay of Bengal are Andman and Nicobar islands. These are elevated portions of submarine mountains. These are 550 in number. Barren island is a dormant volcano.





1. The bending up of rocks strata is known as folding.

2. Folding is caused due to the forces of compression.

3. Folds are formed due to contraction of the area.

4. A fold has two parts - Anticline and syncline.

1. The breaking up of rocks is known as faulting.

2. The faulting is caused due to the forces of tension.

3. Faults are formed due to the expansion of area.

4. A fault has two sides-up thrown side and down thrown side.


State three characteristics of Himalayas, which indicate their youthful stage.

Distinguish between :
Vindhya Mountains and Western Ghats

Distinguish between :
1. Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats 
2. Gorge and Rift valley

Give an account of the distinct land features of the Great Plains.

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