
What are the large scale maps? What are types of these maps ?

These maps show more details :

They are large in size. These have a scale of 6 inch = 1 mile. These show the details of buildings and property.

These, maps are of following four types on the basis of scale :

1. Cadastral maps : These maps show full details of buildings and properties and are known as ‘plans’.

2. Topographical maps : Survey of India prepares these maps on a scale of 1:50,000 or inch : 1 mile. These are large scale maps showing the natural and man-made features of an area.

3. Wall maps : These are small scale maps used for educational purposes.

4. Atlas maps : These are small scale maps, bound together in the form of an Atlas. These are best suited for eduational purposes.


 What are the advantages of map over a globe ?

Write short notes on :

1. Wall maps,
2. Linear scale,
3. Base direction line.

What is a map ?

What is cadastral map ?

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