
How did the spread of Islam, the crusades and growth of cities help in bringing about the Renaissance in Western Europe?

1. Spread of Islam : During the Middle Ages, a new religion-Islam spread rapidly. In 1493 the Turks conquerred constantinaople. As a result most of the Christian scholars fled from Constantinople to Italy and some of other places.
They spread among the people the spirit of reasoning, enquiry and free thinking which led to the Renaissance Movement.

2. The Crusades : During the crusades many fanatic lords and barons had died. Moreover the people came in contact with the developed culture of the Arabs. The new ideas inspired them to think freely.
They started learning the superstitions and narrow mindedness which proved helpful in bringing the Renaissance.

3. Growth of Cities and Towns : The decline of feudalism promoted the growth of free cities where trade, commerce and industry grew quite rapidly. The trading class became rich and it set up several schools and colleges. The spread of learning struck at the roots of the superstitions.

Tips: -


Identify any four writers whose thoughts and works contributed to the origin of Renaissance.

Which practices of the Roman Catholic Church and Churchmen of 15th and 16th centuries did the reformers objects to ?

Describe changes that Renaissance brought about in the contemporary life of the people.

Explain the meaning of the following terms:

The Protestant Reformation, Roman Catholics, Counter-Reformation, Humanism, Heretic, Mercantilism, Nation-State, Gold, Glory and God and Absolutism. 

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