
Identify any four writers whose thoughts and works contributed to the origin of Renaissance.

1. Petrarch : He was a great poet and historian of Italy. He is regarded as the first among the 'Humanists'. He criticised the contemporary society and its system of education.

2. Dante : He was the greatest among the Renaissance poets. He also belonged to Italy. In his epic poem 'The Divine Comedy' the criticized the religious beliefs and practices of his age.

3. Thomas Moore : He was a great scholar of England. In his famous book 'Utopia' he ridiculed the malpractices and social evils of his times.

4. Erasmus: He was a great Dutch poet. In his famous work 'The Praise of Folly' he ridiculed the corrupt practices prevalent in the Church of his times.

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Describe changes that Renaissance brought about in the contemporary life of the people.

Which practices of the Roman Catholic Church and Churchmen of 15th and 16th centuries did the reformers objects to ?

How did the spread of Islam, the crusades and growth of cities help in bringing about the Renaissance in Western Europe?

Explain the meaning of the following terms:

The Protestant Reformation, Roman Catholics, Counter-Reformation, Humanism, Heretic, Mercantilism, Nation-State, Gold, Glory and God and Absolutism. 

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