
Which practices of the Roman Catholic Church and Churchmen of 15th and 16th centuries did the reformers objects to ?

1. They raised objection against the luxurious and immoral life of the Churchmen.

2. The reformers also objected the undesirable methods of extracting money from the common man.

3. They objected to the practice of selling the offices of the Church to inefficient, immoral and corrupt persons.

4. They protested the Pope's authority to raise such taxes and fees as would make the Pope and his Bishops to live in luxury.


How did the spread of Islam, the crusades and growth of cities help in bringing about the Renaissance in Western Europe?

Identify any four writers whose thoughts and works contributed to the origin of Renaissance.

Explain the meaning of the following terms:

The Protestant Reformation, Roman Catholics, Counter-Reformation, Humanism, Heretic, Mercantilism, Nation-State, Gold, Glory and God and Absolutism. 

Describe changes that Renaissance brought about in the contemporary life of the people.

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