
Describe changes that Renaissance brought about in the contemporary life of the people.

The Changes are: 

1. The age old superstitions and evil practices came to an end. The new ideas rational outlook and scientific beliefs were adopted by the people.

2. Renaissance preached humanism. It inspired the contemporary writers, artists and philosophers to take up man as their main subject.

3. People discarded the old values and adopted scientific outlook.

4. Many schools and colleges were established at various places. The education spread rapidly.

Tips: -

(V. Imp.)

Identify any four writers whose thoughts and works contributed to the origin of Renaissance.

How did the spread of Islam, the crusades and growth of cities help in bringing about the Renaissance in Western Europe?

Which practices of the Roman Catholic Church and Churchmen of 15th and 16th centuries did the reformers objects to ?

Explain the meaning of the following terms:

The Protestant Reformation, Roman Catholics, Counter-Reformation, Humanism, Heretic, Mercantilism, Nation-State, Gold, Glory and God and Absolutism. 

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