
Would you way that industrialization was 'a natural step' in man's progress ?
Why or why not ?

We can say without any doubt and hesitation that industrialization was a natural step in man's progress. Because progress is natural to mankind. Moreover, it has rightly been said and proved that 'Necessity is the mother of invention'. It can very easily be proved if we have a glance on the life of man since the beginning of mankind i.e., the prehistoric days.

In the Pre-historic period the stone-age man made rough tools and weapons of stone to hunt the wild animals for food etc. Gradually the man improved these stone implements. In due course he learnt how to make fire and invented wheel. The invention of wheel was helpful in farming, pottery and above all transportation.

By and by the human society divided itself into various occupations and professions. Some became farmers, some other black-smiths, weavers, carpenters, potters, soldiers etc. Then there arose the need for trade. For trade the means of transport were so developed that trade and commerce became the major occupations of people. With the rapid growth in trade, increase in population, need and demand for the various commodities, the desire for more profit inspired the people for more production. For more and rapid production of the goods the inventions were made.

The machines of various kinds were invented and the factories were setup. The exchange of goods through trade among the different countries rapidly progressed when it still developing and continuing. So in this way the Industrialization took place which was a natural, step in man's progress.


What were the inventions in the Textile industry in England as a result of Industrial Revolution?

Study the weaknesses and disadvantages of producing goods and services under the capitalist system of production. What are the advantages that a socialist system can have over a society based on capitalism ?

Explain the factors reponsible for the Industrial Revolution in England.
Mention the causes of Industrial Revolution in England.
Why did the Industrial Revolution started first of all in England.
Discuss the factors because of which the Industrial Revolution began first in England.

What were the effects of Industrial Revolution on Agriculture or farming ?

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