
Discuss the Factors because of which the Industrial Revolution began first in England.

The Industrial Revolution started first of all in England. The factors are: 

1. The British traders had been doing the trade in foreign countries for a long time. Thus they had accumulated sufficient capital which is the primary need for establishing the factories and industries.

2. England had plenty of natural resources like iron and coal which are essential for industries.

3. England had established a large number of new colonies from where she could get the cheap raw material. These colonies could also serve as best markets to sell their finished goods.

4. England had developed a large and big shipping industry which solved the problem of transporting the things to far away countries.

5. Due to Agrarian Revolution, many agriculturists went out of the job. Such people supplied the factory owners with cheap labour.

6. The English people were quite enterprising, energetic and hard working. So they made inventions of new machines and started the industries.

Tips: -

(V. Imp.)

Mention Weakness and Disadvantages in Services under the Capitalist system.

Enumerate the concept of Socialism as stated by Karl Marx.

Mention Advantages that a Socialist System can have over a Society based on Capitalism.

Mention the two combination Acts passed by the parliament in 1795. 

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