
Explain in detail the importance of Test and Measurement and Evaluation in the field of games and sports?

In the field of games of sports programme. It is important to select a target. If a person desires to improve himself in different aspects of fitness. He will have to undergo fitness programmes.
Test, Measurement & evaluation in physical education are the devices that are needed to collect the details regarding the needs, abilities, and altitudes of a sports person.
A test is basically a situational presentation, where specific responses are collected from the subject. These responses are measured both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Measurement is about the collection of data as performance or task and completed by a sports person by using test and scientific techniques.
Evaluation is the process of physical education that involves a collection of data from the products which can be used for comparison with preconceived criteria to make a judgment.

Importance of Test, Measurement & Evaluation:

The importance of test, measurement & evaluation in the field of games & sports are the following ways.

  1. To frame the objectives: Setting target, goal according to the need and requirement.
  2. To realize that the objectives are achieved or not.
  3. To understand the need, ability, and capacity for any individual.
  4. To evaluate the learner: so that feedback can be given.
  5. To evaluate teaching programme.
  6. For the classification or grading of the students.
  7. To check the progress or improvement of the learner time to time.
  8. For diagnosis of learning program: Bio-mechanics, motor skill and cognitive etc.
  9. Prediction of future performance.
  10. Selection of team or individual events and a player.
  11. For an intensive type of research, it is essential.
  12. For the pose of guidance of counselling.
  13. Evaluate different methods of instruction.


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