
Explain any four importance of test, measurement & evaluation in detail?

The four importance in the physical education field are given below of test, measurement & evaluation:

  1. To frame the objectives: Test and Measurement helps in setting the target or goal according to the need and requirement. By adopting the Test and Measurement techniques the physical education teachers gets an accurate idea about the progress made by the students.
  2. To evaluate the learners: In the field of physical education and sports, Test and Measurement helps in collection of data which further helps in evaluating the learners ability separately. It also helps the sportsperson in enhancing his sports performance.
  3. To evaluate teaching programme: Test and Measurement is a scientific tool which helps the teacher to adopt correct methodology upon the sportsman so that desired results may be achieved.
  4. To discover the needs and requirements of the participants: Needs of the participants are correctly assessed by the scientific approach of Test and Measurement. It helps in knowing where more emphasis is needed so that target may be achieved.


Explain in detail the importance of Test and Measurement and Evaluation in the field of games and sports?

Explain the procedure for fixing marks for skin fold measurement.

Explain the procedure of skinfold measurement in detail.
