
Explain the different ways to recover in sports? Why recovery is important?

In order to get fitter or improve in sports, the body needs to be exposed to stress, the body then needs time to adapt to the stresses and for this there must be period of recovery.

New to Exercise: If you're just starting out in exercise, it's important that you build into slowly to allow your body to adapt to the demands of sport. Ifyoujust keep going without any rest, your body will soon start to fatigue and you'll find it difficult to complete any exercise sessions.

Recover Strategies : It's all very well being encouraged to exercise, you're started a new sports or even increased the amount of training you're doing then you need to consider some recover strategies to help your body to adjust.

Rest: It is one of the most important forms of rest and provides time for the body to adapt to the physical and mental demands of training. Make sure of getting enough sleep ensure your sleep is good quality, quite and peace ful. Passive resting such as reading and listening to music are greater ways for the body to relax both physically and mentally.

Nutrition and hydration: Ensuring that the body is fully nourished and hydrate is very much necessary for good recovery. It is most important to replace fluids after exercise and to replenish energy stores by eating the right food at the right time.

Cool down and stretch: The cool down is a group of exercise performed immediately after training to provide an adjustment between exercise and rest. It's purpose is to increase muscular soreness and bring the carpio vascular system backrest.


Explain the process of stimulus, Recovery and Adaptation?

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Monu is a 19-year-old boy who has a fascination for playing cricket right from childhood. Whenever he watches Sachin Tendulkar in the television or reads about him. He gets so much motivated by his ideal and in spite of all odds in Monu's life he does regularly training. Now he is one of the best players of Ranji team from his state.

From where has Monu been motivated for playing cricket?
What values have been inculcated in Monu?
What lesson can you gather after reading about him?

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