
What do you understand by Right against exploitation?

Right against exploitation: The Constitution prohibits traffic in human beings and 'beggar' and other similar forms of forced labour. Traffic in human beings means dealing in men and women like goods, such as selling, letting or otherwise disposing of them. It would include traffic in women and girls for immoral purposes. Beggar or forced labour means making a person work against his will and then not to pay him his wages.

The Constitution also lays down that no child below the age of 14 years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine. Nor shall such a child be engaged in any dangerous job. The children are the assets of the nation. Therefore, they need to be protected from being abused or exploited.

Mention major Constitutional provisions for the protection of women and children in India.

Classify rights and explain them.

Discusss in about 100 words the importance of the Article 16(A) of the Indian Constitution for the fulfilment of the right to equality of opportunity.

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